Nebraska - A Genealogy Journey
Nebraska - Locating Records
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In the first webinar, learn about the early history, settlements and geography of Nebraska, all of which are influential in your research. The diversified state has 93 counties with varying records. In the second webinar, I go into more detail about the types of records you will encounter, the collections and records in the Nebraska State Historical Society, Nebraska State Surveyor's Office and Civil War Veterans Museum.
When you login and click to view one of my webinars, there will also be a link for the syllabus, plus to purchase my book, Genealogical Research in Nebraska, revised edition in digital format.
While browsing through the list of 213 classes/webinars, be sure to click on my friend Gail Blankenau's webinar Women Homesteaders and Genealogy. We both love doing research in Nebraska.
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